Some think of Northeastern Oregon as wide open empty spaces and little to do. What many don't realize is that some of Oregon's prettiest and most stunning areas are tucked away and hidden in the mountains and wilderness of Oregon's Northeast corner. This part of...
Best Observatories in Oregon For Seeing The Stars
If you love stargazing but live in the city, it can be hard to see stars at night because of light pollution. You may want to check out one of the four astronomical observatories in Oregon, that offer professional telescopes used for astronomy research. Some...
20 Stunning Views Of Crater Lake National Park You Need To See
The waters are mesmerizing, and as you stare out at this vast lake the landscape seems surreal. How can something this beautiful, this serene, this deep be right in our back yard? Crater Lake draws people from all over the world to Southern Oregon. Some see the lake...
Your Hells Canyon, Oregon Adventure Guide
Hells Canyon on the border of Oregon and Idaho is America's deepest river gorge. This awe-inspiring spot attracts white-water rafters, jet boaters, hikers, campers, and outdoor junkies worldwide. With breathtaking scenery, steep terrain, rocky slopes, and the...
10 Reasons You Must Visit Southeast Oregon This Year
When people think of Oregon they tend to think of lush green forests filled with ferns, long weeks of rain in the winter, and perhaps of Oregon's abundance of stunning waterfalls. What you might not have known is that two thirds of Oregon has a completely different...
5 Heart Pounding Oregon Adventures In 2020
With a new year comes new opportunities for adventure. Here are five adrenaline pumping adventures for Oregon's thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies to get your heart pounding. 1. Bungee Jumping In Bend Oregon This Bend Oregon company will help you take a 250 foot...
There’s a Full Moon Occurring 12/12 at Exactly 12:12 am
The next full moon occurs Thursday, Dec. 12 at 12:12 a.m. This means December’s full moon, called the Cold Moon, will hit its 100% peak on 12/12 at exactly 12:12 a.m. Twelve has significance when it comes to our relative understanding of space and time. There are 12...
Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Ticks In Oregon
As the weather gets warmer and more people venture out into their back yard or favorite hiking trail, the risk for people picking up a tick and contracting a tick borne illness like Lyme disease rises. But how bad is Lyme disease, and what are your chances of picking...