
Find Your Berry Bliss On a Summer Day Trip to This U-Pick Farm

As I sit down to write this piece, the sun-kissed berries that danced in the summer sun on my recent visit to Columbia Farms U-Pick on Sauvie Island are still vivid in my mind. Let me take you on a virtual tour of this beautiful piece of Oregon, an agricultural oasis that invites you to immerse...

The Ultimate Travel Guide to Oregon’s Siuslaw National Forest

Are you looking for a hidden oasis of outdoor recreation, stunning views and wildlife watching? Look no further than the Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon! The Siuslaw spans over 630,000 acres of coastal range terrain along the Pacific Ocean to the edge of the Willamette Valley and boasts 30...

Oregon is Now Home to One of the Top Five “Hidden gems” in the Country

We all know and love Oregon for its natural wonders found far and wide, but when our great state gets recognized by an international travel company, it’s time to sit up and take notice. On Wednesday,, a website that helps travelers find the best deals on car rentals throughout the...

A Rainforest Rendezvous With Dinosaurs At The Prehistoric Gardens

Take an easy stroll through the awesome Prehistoric Gardens on the Oregon coast, where you'll be transported back in time to a time of dinosaurs and wonder.

This World-Class Oregon Park Makes For A Perfect Summer Vacation

We know you’ve heard of it, but if you’ve never seen Crater Lake in person you don’t know what you’re missing! This is one of the most spectacular national parks in the country and it sits right in our backyard, so get out there and make this epic summer vacation happen!  Image via / Bo...
Take a Virtual Tour Through This Famous Japanese Garden in Oregon

Take a Virtual Tour Through This Famous Japanese Garden in Oregon

Portland is home to an incredible garden that was planted to heal wounds and bring two cultures closer together. While some locals at first resisted the planting of the garden in 1963, the Japanese Garden has become an Oregon gem and a Portland treasure and is much...

14 Breathtaking Photos That Show Off Oregon’s True Beauty

14 Breathtaking Photos That Show Off Oregon’s True Beauty

We love showing off photos of our beautiful state. Not only does Oregon have an abundance of fun places to go, things to do, and food and beverages to try, but it's a photographer's paradise. With such a variety of landscapes to see, you could spend years here and...