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Big Kitties Prowling Oregon Coast Again – On Video

There have been a string of cougar sightings on the northern Oregon coast in past weeks, including a cougar taking a vacation to Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach, and cougar sightings on a popular trail in Nehalem Bay State Park. Now a family of cougars looks to be house hunting in a Neskowin, Oregon...

Potential Highs In The 100’s Next Week For Willamette Valley

According to the US National Weather Service, the Willamette Valley could be facing a heatwave for the week of Sunday August 13th, 2023 with temperatures above 100 degrees. People are being urged to make a plan for how they will stay safe and cool during the heatwave. Rising Chance Of High...

Self-Service Gas In Oregon: Separating Fact From Fiction

Can you roll up to a gas station and pump your own gas or not? The answer: maybe.

An Oregon Couple and Their Stunning Riverside Cabin Crowned America’s Top Airbnb Hosts

Gorgeous river views, a spa like bathroom with a walk in rain shower for two, a luxury king size bed, and welcoming hosts make this a must stay on the Santiam River.

A Pint-Sized Turtle Adventure Awaits at the Oregon Zoo

Get ready for a dose of cuteness! This summer, the Oregon Zoo is welcoming a squad of eleven tiny northwestern pond turtles, each just the size of a shiny quarter. These pint-sized reptilian residents are settling in nicely at the zoo, where the dedicated conservation lab team is providing them...
Marie Dorion: The Most Badass Woman in Oregon History

Marie Dorion: The Most Badass Woman in Oregon History

Modern schoolkids can probably name two famous Native American women: Sacajawea and Pocahontas. With good reason. Both were amazing females who more than deserve their place in American History. So why have so few heard of Marie Dorion and her epic journey to Oregon?...

Four Of Our Favorite Relaxing Getaways In Oregon

Four Of Our Favorite Relaxing Getaways In Oregon

Sometimes we need to take a step back from life for a moment and just breathe. One of our favorite ways to relax is to get out into nature or get out of town for the weekend. For some people, planning a weekend getaway and trying to find a good place to stay can be...