Visit An Awe-Inspiring Underground River Flowing Through Oregon

by | Apr 16, 2020 | Adventures, Featured, Hiking, History, Interesting, Southern Oregon, Travel, Videos

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Many have heard about the Oregon Caves near Cave Junction Oregon, but not many know the intriguing tale about their discovery. The story starts on a hunting trip in 1874 with Elijah Davidson and his faithful dog. Check out the video below to see how an underground river led to the discovery of the Oregon Caves and then saved Elijah's life.

Video by Matt Cook.

Cave Creek And The Ryver Styx


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Upper Cave Creek seeps through the soil into the Oregon Caves and becomes the River Styx. The River Styx flows through the cave and then out again, turning back into Cave Creek. Once Non-Toxic dye was added to Upper Cave Creek, and then took two days to reach the accessible portions of the Ryver Styx inside the cave.

Fish have not been found in the cave as there's no way for them to enter.

Cave Creek Ryver Styx Oregon Caves Underground River

Cave Creek exiting The Oregon Caves. Photo By Oregon Caves via Flickr CC2

You can see The River Styx inside the Oregon Caves by taking a tour. If you'd like to see more of Cave Creek, there's a 3.4 mile out and back trail starting in the Chateau parking lot at the Oregon Caves. The trail will take you down the mountain through dense forest to the Cave Creek Campground, which is a good place to stay when visiting. If you'd like a shorter hike, start at the top and arrange for someone to pick you up at the campground.

Oregon Caves What To Do In Oregon Things To Do

The Oregon Caves. Photo by Oregon Caves via Flickr CC2

Don't forget to also explore these awesome Oregon caves.

Have you been to the Oregon Caves and seen Cave Creek and The River Styx? Let us know in a comment and tag the friends you want to go on an adventure with!

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Written By Jessica Tomlinson

Jessica Tomlinson is a native Oregonian currently living in Southern Oregon. She has been blogging since 2006. She loves nature, photography, hiking, camping, and exploring Oregon's wilds.

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