There's nothing that fascinates me more than old historic photos, and especially in Oregon. These vintage photos include the Oregon Coast, Portland, forests, and other various parts of Oregon. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments.
Portland Public Market
The 1933 Portland Public Market/Oregon Journal building being demolished in 1969. The building sat between Front Avenue and Harbor Drive, stretching between SW Morrison and Salmon Streets. This photo was sent submitted by a fan of Vintage Portland, Jim D.
Hotel Oregon
This Benjamin Gifford image of the Hotel Oregon is well known, as it was a popular postcard for many years. Markings on the back of this particular print indicate it was the original used by a printer to make cards for the Keir & Cass Company. The printer acknowledged receipt of the order on December 31, 1910.
Multnomah Falls
Penny Postcard: Multnomah Falls, Oregon, ca.1920s. Penny Postcard, ca.1920s, "Multnomah Falls Lodge, Columbia River Highway, Ore." The striped patio canopy was replaced by a new building section in 1929. Published by The Oregon News Co., Portland, Oregon. Card #170.In the private collection of Lyn Topinka.
Loggers somewhere in Oregon
This image shows some hard working loggers, captured in Oregon in 1905. Could you imagine how hard this was?
Sign in Joseph, Oregon (1960)
Better slow your roll.
One room country school
Photo of an interior of eastern Oregon one-room county school. Seven pupils enrolled. 8:45 a.m. Between Pleasant Valley and Durkee, Baker County, Oregon, October 1939.
State Hospital in Pendelton
The Eastern Oregon State Hospital, captured in 1915. Located in Pendleton, Oregon, the hospital was created by statute in 1909 and formally opened in January 1913. The functions of the hospital were to diagnose mental illness, provide treatment, and release patients who had satisfactorily responded to treatment.
Theatre in Pendleton
The United Artists Theatre opened around 1936, and was still operating in 1955.
Salem capitol building
Pete Maher /
Amazing shot of the Salem capitol building, captured sometime before 1920.
First car trip on Oregon Coast
LC Historical Society
The first automobile trip from Newport’s Bayfront to Siletz Bay in north Lincoln County. The Four men were known as the Pathfinders. Their 46-mile round-trip required about 23 hours plus ingenuity and numerous tools.
An awesome shot of Burgerville, said to be captured in 1967.
Greenhorn City
Wikimedia Commons
The main street of Greenhorn City as it appeared in the summer of 1913, close to the peak of its population.
Downtown Eugene
Downtown Eugene with view of Skinner's Butte 1952. The Oregon O is visible. From the 1952 Oregana (University of Oregon yearbook)
Timberline Lodge
Oregon Historical Society ba011745
Timberline Lodge was declared a national landmark in December 1977. It hosts more than two million visitors each year. The exact date of this photo is not known.
Florence Bridge on the Oregon Coast
An old postcard of the Siuslaw Bridge, in Florence Oregon. Date unknown.
Oneonta Tunnel
A vintage photo postcard of the Oneonta tunnel in Oregon. Date unknown.
Stuck on Nye Beach
(Lincoln County Historical Society, LCHS #32)
Some boys perch atop an old car badly stuck in the surf on Nye Beach. Getting trapped in the sand by the tide has been a common peril of beach travel.
Vintage Portland photo
(City of Portland Archives)
A photo from the early-1930s showing the intersection of 3rd Avenue looking west on Burnside, before the Burnside widening project.
Big stump
Photo by OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons on flickr
Lumberjacks standing on an impressive stump near Toledo, Oregon.
Forest on the coast
Photo by OSU Special Collections & Archives on flickr
A plank road in the forest, Tillamook County, Oregon.
Old fire lookout / Pete Maher
An old fire lookout, captured in 1915.
That about wraps it up. Want to see some more awesome historic photos in Oregon? Hit the link here to see more Oregonians captured during the great depression.