As summer's scorching sunsets gracefully yield to cooler, crisper days, there's no better time to embark on a serene getaway to Sunriver, Oregon. The fall season in Sunriver offers a unique charm, with a distinct absence of bustling summer tourists and a delightful...
For over a decade, historians Doug Kenck-Crispin and J.B. Fischer have been engrossed with an Oregon Coast shipwreck that inspired the film "The Goonies". Their documentary, "The True Quest for Fabled Treasure on the Oregon Coast", produced with Tony Altamirano,...
“Szabo’s” may be a hard name to pronounce, but it’s not a hard place to fall in love with for their fresh seafood, perfectly-grilled steaks, and super friendly service. The owner, Mark Szabo, is originally from New Jersey but found himself on the Oregon coast in the...
If there's one thing that makes a warm summer or fall day in Hood River, Oregon even more enjoyable, it's indulging in a scoop of delicious, locally-made ice cream from Mike's. For nearly 30 years, Mike's Ice Cream has been a cherished Hood River landmark, providing...
Ah, the iconic Skyline Restaurant! Just hearing its name whisks us back to the good ol’ days in Portland, Oregon. Ever wondered what nostalgia tastes like? Well, strap on your time-traveling taste buds and let’s embark on a delicious journey through time. Once Upon a...