Some Of The Highest Quality Hemp On Earth Is Being Grown In Southern Oregon By Hemptown USA

by | Jun 15, 2019 | Cannabis, Featured, Interesting, Made In Oregon, Oregon Economy, Stories

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Hard work, great conditions and sheer tenacity has led Oregon-grown Hemptown USA to become the producer of some of the finest hemp products in the United States. Southern Oregon has a long history of growing hemp and marijuana that is famous the world-over, and now Hemptown USA is carrying on the tradition by becoming an industry leader in CBD and CBG biomass, oils and pure products.

Southern Oregon Roots

Rod Wolterman founded Hemptown USA's Oregon operation in 2016 in Central Point, which is just a few minutes North of Medford. Currently over 500 acres of hemp is growing in the shadow of Table Rock in rich soil uniquely suited to growing this special crop. The soil, along with the unique microclimate found in Jackson County makes the area the 'Napa Valley' of hemp. This area of Southern Oregon has come to be known as Oregon's Emerald Triangle.

Currently 500 acres of genetically unique hemp are being grown in Central Point in the shadow of Table Rock.

Hemptown USA grows hemp in Colorado and Kentucky as well, but it's in Oregon that they're focusing on growing hemp with high CBG content. CBG has been termed 'the mother of all cannabinoids.'  The industry has been focused on CBD in the past, but Hemptown USA knows that cannabis is most effective when cannabinoids like CBD and CBG are consumed together, which creates the 'entourage effect'. You can read more about why CBG is so important here.

Because of Hemptown USA's market-leading seed genetics, they're able to grow a new promising strain high in CBG at a large scale this year, and are set to become one of the largest producers of CBG in the world. Currently Hemptown USA is growing over 500 acres of this new strain of hemp in Central Point Oregon, but plans to grow up to 1,000 acres by 2020.

Honoring The Process

Hemptown USA's farmers work tirelessly to grow the finest broad spectrum hemp, rich in CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol). One of the keys to the process are their seed genetics which allow them to grow plants containing less than .3% THC and with exceptionally high cannabinoid content up to 18%.

The seeds Hemptown USA is using in Central Point are special in that they create a plant with high levels of CBG along with CBD.

From start to finish, farmers lovingly tend to and care for their crops, knowing that the hemp they're producing is going out into the world to help people. After the crops are harvested, the hemp is cured, trimmed, and packaged using industry best-practices.

The skills farmers have honed in Central Point are now being applied to properties in Colorado and Kentucky. Currently Hemptown USA is growing over 1,500 acres across the three states and aims to expand that to 3,000 by next year's harvest. This year's multi-state crop is expected to yield up to 3,000,000 pounds in late September.

A Rich History And A Bright Future

Southern Oregon played a critical role in the rise of the modern hemp and cannabis movement and will continue to do so thanks to Hemptown USA.

Oregon has a variety of microclimates in different regions, and each microclimate causes a strain of hemp to be genetically different, making strains grown in different areas wildly different from one another. The hemp and cannabis grown in Central Point has different characteristics than what's grown in California or other parts of the world. Hemp from Southern Oregon's Emerald Triangle is now being sought after by people in the same way as the area's micro-brews and award-winning wines.

Cannabis and hemp aren't new to Oregon. The first white immigrants to the area brought Cannabis products with them, and many traveled here in wagons covered with hemp canvas. By the late nineteenth century hemp was being grown in Oregon for a variety of uses and Oregon pharmacies were selling medical cannabis products. Hemp and cannabis products continued to be grown in Southern Oregon over the years because of the warm climate and because of this Oregon played a critical role in the rise of the modern hemp and cannabis movement. Oregon was the first state to decriminalize cannabis and has always been on the leading edge of hemp and cannabis farming technology. You can read more about the history of hemp and cannabis farming in Oregon here.

The global hemp market is expected to exceed $22 billion dollars by 2020, and because of Hemptown USA, Oregon is set to be on the leading edge of that market. As Hemptown USA scales up operations to meet market demands, the eyes of the world will remain on Southern Oregon and the genetically unique hemp that's being grown here.

Businesses and dispensaries wishing to work with Hemptown USA can contact them here. You can learn more about Hemptown USA investment opportunities here. Don't forget to follow them on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with the latest news and hemp growing innovations.

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Written By Jessica Tomlinson

Jessica Tomlinson is a native Oregonian currently living in Southern Oregon. She has been blogging since 2006. She loves nature, photography, hiking, camping, and exploring Oregon's wilds.

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