
Both Parties Come Together to Push Oregon Drug Recriminalization Bill Forward

In an unprecedented shift in the battle against what many consider the most controversial and unsuccessful drug policy in U.S. history, Oregon is taking bold steps to overturn Measure 110. This measure, passed in 2020, marked a radical departure by decriminalizing possession of small quantities of...

Remembering Ashley Pond and Miranda Gaddis: Innocence Lost in Oregon

I'll never forget where I was on August 24, 2002. Going about my workday, then entering the breakroom to find my boss grimly glued to the TV. "I KNEW IT," was all she managed to say. I think in our hearts we all did, but the burden of proof is evidence, and dear God did we get it that late summer...

Lincoln City Woman Fakes Pelican Pub Burglary: How Not to Move to Maui

This tale of a beach-bound Bonnie without her Clyde is less Ocean's 11, and more "Ocean's Oops". As reported by KOIN6, on the unassuming Wednesday morning of July 31, 2023, a past employee of the Siletz Bay Pelican Brewing was nabbed for a slightly ambitious DIY "employee bonus". Denali Cox, 34...

Target To Close 3 Portland Stores Due to Theft and Crime

It's no secret that crime in Portland, Oregon, has become increasingly worse in recent years. In 2022, the city saw a 30% increase in homicides and a 10% increase in robberies. Property crime, such as theft and burglary, has also increased significantly. This rise in crime has had a devastating...

Shackled Murder Suspect Escapes Custody from Oregon State Hospital, Now at Large

Sources from KGW have raised alarming concerns regarding a deeply troubling incident that occurred Wednesday night. Christopher Lee Pray, a man with a history of attempted aggravated murder among other grave offenses, successfully escaped the confines of the Oregon State Hospital shortly after...