Coming in at only 6 square acres, Depoe Bay, Oregon holds the record for “smallest navigable harbor in the world”. What the harbor lacks in size it definitely makes up for in it's picturesque scenery and the place it holds in the hearts of both residents and tourists...
Drive in movies are something that many people in our modern times have never had the pleasure of experiencing. The Pop Up : Drive In : Stay Safe in Astoria, Oregon is aiming to change that, all from the safety and comfort of your own vehicle. Due to current social...
In 1843, our Oregon pioneer forefathers gathered in a series of meetings that would unite them to a common purpose while ultimately causing the extinction of the indigenous Gray Wolf from our state lands. Wolves were as troublesome to early settlers and their...
Why exactly? We don't know. What we do know is that The Simpsons' Springfield is (of course) Springfield, Oregon, and that the metal band Okilly Dokilly is EVERYTHING Ned Flanders. A few weeks ago, the closing credits of the 659th episode of The Simpsons were suddenly...
One of my absolute FAVORITE Oregon attractions is the Wildlife Safari in Winston, just south of Roseburg. If you're thinking this is just another zoo or an exploitation of animal rights ("Tiger King", I'm looking at YOU), think again. Your private drive in your own...