Awesome New Axe Throwing Company Soon To Open In Medford Oregon

by | Feb 4, 2020 | Ashland, Breweries, Business, Drink, Entertainment, Featured, Food & Drink, Interesting, Lifestyle, Made In Oregon, Things To Do

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Cascadia Axe Company is bringing a unique new business to Southern Oregon: a place where you can throw axes, drink craft beer, play board games and learn about artisinal blacksmithing. The new business is scheduled to open on March 1st, 2020 in Medford Oregon, and is sure to be awesome.

Check out this recent video about Cascadia Axe Company in the news:

Cascadia Axe Company Grand Opening

Kyle and Bird Durrant had planned to open Cascadia Axe Company in February, but are still waiting for some things to go through with the City of Medford. Currently the grand opening party is scheduled for Sunday March 1st, though you'll want to double check with their Facebook page to make sure the date hasn't been updated. Axe throwing spots at the grand opening will be limited and with reservations only, though you can still come and enjoy the other festivities.

Cascadia Axe Company is still trying to raise money to cover costs of the business, so if you'd like to help, check out their Indiegogo campaign.

The building itself is a work of art and created from upcycled materials. Check out this amazing artwork stair installation:

For those worried about intoxicated people throwing axes, the owners of Cascadia Axe Company want to assure you that the primary function of the business is axe throwing, not drinking.

According to their Facebook, there will be rules patrons will have to follow. "If you are intoxicated, you will not be allowed to throw an axe, or be in the throwing lanes. To minimize the risk of intoxication, we do not sell hard alcohol and the amount of beers/ciders you can have is not as much as you can fit in your belly." Patrons wanting to throw axes will sign a wavier, be given a lesson on how to safely handle an axe, throw an axe, and how to throw an axe when others are around.

Have you thrown axes before? Tag the friends you want to go with when they open this year!

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Written By Jessica Tomlinson

Jessica Tomlinson is a native Oregonian currently living in Southern Oregon. She has been blogging since 2006. She loves nature, photography, hiking, camping, and exploring Oregon's wilds.

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