Oregon Retiree Strikes Gold with $1M Powerball Win!

In a thrilling revelation, a resident of Mill City, Oregon recently discovered a golden ticket worth $1 million! This captivating tale unfolds from a simple routine check on the Powerball numbers, which has now turned the life of one retiree and his wife upside-down, in the best way possible! Read the full story, originally covered by Central Oregon Daily News.

Seventy-seven-year-old Thomas Willard, a retiree from Mill City, couldn't have imagined what was in store for him when he participated in the October 9 Powerball drawing. With the exciting news now out in the open, he remarked, “At our age, this is just about right.” It's even more heartwarming to know that Thomas and his wife, Nancy, who have shared almost five decades together, now have a new chapter of their journey to embark upon.

The thrilling discovery was made by Nancy. The day after the draw, as she routinely checked the numbers, she couldn't believe her eyes. Bursting with excitement, she rushed to awaken her husband, exclaiming, “Wake up, you have to see this!” Their dreams quickly started taking shape. Top on the list: a brand-new pickup truck and a convenient riding scooter for Nancy to traverse the streets of Mill City with ease.

But the joy doesn't end there! The 7 Star Convenience Store, the hotspot in Mill City responsible for selling this fortunate ticket, will be celebrating with a hefty $10,000 commission.

To give a broader picture, this $1 million win was just one piece of the pie in the lead-up to the record-breaking $1.765 billion jackpot that eventually found its winner in California. Throughout this electrifying period, starting July 22, Oregonians have snagged a staggering total of $7.75 million in winnings. It truly seems like Lady Luck has cast her favorable gaze upon the state of Oregon!