In an extraordinary rescue tale, a group of ten adolescent trekkers were recently saved in southern California, thanks to the lifesaving Emergency SOS feature of the latest iPhone. The Ventura County Sheriff's Office detailed in a report that the young adventurers...
Welcome to our Oregon News category, where we bring you the latest and most relevant news stories from the beautiful state of Oregon. From the stunning Pacific coastline to the rugged Cascade Mountains, Oregon is home to a wealth of natural beauty, diverse communities, and exciting cultural events.
Portland Loses 18,000 Residents in Just Two Years, Census Bureau Reports
As reported by KATU, Portland, Oregon has been grappling with multiple simultaneous issues ranging from homelessness and gun violence to drug abuse and mental health problems, placing the city under a cloud of negativity. The city's image has taken a hit, and these...
Immerse Yourself In Color At The Holi Spring Festival In Oregon
Topaz Farm, previously known as Kruger's, is a unique farm located on Sauvie Island near Portland, Oregon, known for its sustainable agricultural practices.The farm offers fresh produce grown sustainably on-site or sourced from neighboring farms, making it a local...
Pacific Northwest Faces Historic Heat Threat During Mother’s Day Weekend
Weather warnings are in effect as a heatwave threatens to engulf over 8 million residents across the greater expanse of Seattle and Portland, as well as western Washington and northwestern Oregon. From Saturday to Monday, the mercury is forecasted to touch the high...
Chick-Fil-A Officially Prepares to Roost in Springfield
Springfield, Oregon is abuzz with excitement as the beloved fast-food chain Chick-Fil-A gears up to set up shop in the city. This comes as a surprise to many, as the famed burger joint In-N-Out was once vying for the same spot but ultimately stepped back, giving...
Orcas Spotted in Depoe Bay, Reminding us Why Nature is Metal
Orcas, aka Killer Whales, are a less common sight along Oregon's coastline than Gray whales, but when they do appear, folks are usually in for a spectacle. In fact, whale watching on the Oregon coast has become a pastime for many people, casual viewers, and marine...
Oregon Weather Update: Rain, Thunderstorms & Cooler Temps Ahead
Get ready for some precipitation, Oregonians! Our first chance of rain comes tonight as thunderstorms are expected to light up the sky over the Cascades and move westward through the night. While not everyone will see rain, the Cascade foothills and eastern Willamette...
REI to Close Portland Store Due to Rampant Theft and Crime
Hey Portland, get your act together. I've got some sad news to share with you about yet another local store packing up and leaving the Rose City. The REI store in the Pearl District, unfortunately, has announced that the store will be shutting its doors for good come...
Explore Oregon’s Crystal Clear Lake with a Glass Bottom Kayak
Kayaking and canoeing are among many favorite things to do when adventuring in Oregon, and a new startup company has taken kayaking to the next level. Journey with us to Wallowa Lake in eastern Oregon, where Jo Paddle launched their lighted, transparent glass bottom...
Oregon Man Hurls $200,000 From Car on Freeway, Sparking Cash Frenzy
So, get this: a dude decided to go all-out and turn a boring freeway into a wild cash party! It was like an adult piñata fiesta, but with money flying everywhere instead of candy. Talk about making it rain! The individual responsible for the financial frenzy, Collin...
Super Mario Bros. Movie Playing Now at Newberg’s 99W Drive-In
Hey there, movie lovers! If you haven't already heard, the new Super Mario Bros. movie has started playing at the 99W Drive-in in Newberg, Oregon since Friday. That's right; you can catch all the action and adventure you've been waiting for on the big screen right...
A Historic Central Oregon Ski Lodge Gets A Second Chance At Life
Highway 20 runs from the Oregon coast all the way to the Idaho border, and the section between Corvallis and Bend happens to be one of the most beautiful stretches of road in the state. The Santiam Ski Pass Lodge resides in this area, but you probably only know it as...