
A 100 Year Old Shipwreck is Revealed on Rockaway Beach in Oregon

Rockaway Beach has a secret. Every once in a while the shifting sands wash away just enough to reveal something elusive: the 100-year-old shipwreck of the Emily G. Reed. This ghostly wreck usually hides under the sand, sometimes going decades without surfacing to remind people of the day it ran...

1970’s Portland Oregon – A Look Back At A Changing City In Photos And Video

The Portland Oregon we know today is much changed from Portland of the 1970's. Back then it was a contrast in conservative ways, and a growing youth culture focused on self fulfillment. It was a time when female sportswriters were still denied entry to press boxes at Civic Stadium because of their...

321st Anniversary Of 9.0 Earthquake Off Oregon Coast A Good Reminder To Be Prepared For Future Quake

Today marks the 321st anniversary of a massive 9.0 earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone off the Oregon coast. This earthquake struck on January 26th, 1700 and sent a tsunami across the ocean where it reached Japan and destroyed a village. Scientists know another quake is coming, and are...

Three Oregon Volcanoes Make National Geographic’s Top 10 Most Dangerous In America

Oregon has some of the prettiest wilderness for people to explore in the United States. From deep gorges and rushing rivers to gorgeous lakes and rugged peaks, you don't have to travel far to find beauty and solitude in our gorgeous state. Much of this beauty was created by Oregon's violent...

Maxville: The Oregon Ghost Town That Flouted Jim Crow

Before I had developed an interest in and explored many of Oregon's "Ghost Towns", Maxville was quite unknown to me. Located deep in Wallowa County, little is physically left of the old logging town but rich and sometimes disturbing history remains. One night I managed to catch an episode of OPB's...

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