The elections are over, and Oregon is left with a new governor and some changes coming to our gun laws. While it is thought to be a huge victory for those wanting to see some gun reform, this victory may be short lived, as one of the strictest gun measures in the United States, has an uncertain future.
Measure 114
With the passing of the measure, these are the changes that are being planned to set in motion.
- Require permits issued by local law enforcement to buy a firearm
- require photo ID, fingerprints, safety training, criminal background check, and fee payment to apply for a permit; and
- prohibit manufacturing, importing, purchasing, selling, possessing, using, or transferring ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds and make violations a class A misdemeanor.
Facing Backlash
Measure 114 is set to be implemented by January 15th, but the overwhelming consensus is that just won’t happen. The regulations must first be put into writing, and cost impact figured out by law makers and local law enforcement.
At least one Oregon sheriff has promised not to enforce the ban on large capacity magazines, while gun rights advocates are preparing to not go down without a fight. At this very moment a team of lawyers advising the Oregon Firearms Federation are putting together a complaint to ask a judge to put a temporary restraining order to prevent the measure from taking effect until it can be decided if the measure holds up to Oregonians constitutional rights.
Meanwhile similar measures are pending in our neighboring states, which if passed, could help to guide Oregon in putting these new rules into motion, from a legal and constitutional standpoint.
More Factors
Picture of money photo via Flickr CC2
Preparing to require permits to be issued by law enforcement, draws up more questions. Will there be enough staffing to meet the needs that requiring these permits are going to take? How much money will be needed to handle the permit process, and what resources do we need to help state police do additional background checks?
The Oregon State Sheriff Association estimate that it will cost local sheriff offices $40 million the first year to hire staff to handle the permitting process alone. On the flip side of that, it is estimated that local governments would see $19.5 million dollars per year in sales from permit fees.
Once you pass all the required checkboxes, and are handed a permit, you’ll have to do it all again in another 5 years. Continuing the cycle of admittedly, a lot more work for everyone involved.
Concerns For Gun Owners
Photo by Wheeler Cowperthwaite Via Flickr CC2
In the meantime, gun owners have concerns and questions of their own. Many people are concerned gun sales will stop after January 15th because according to the new measure, no one will have a legal permit to buy a gun, as the legality of this measure drags on.
Gun owners can put their mind at ease, as Anthony Johnson, Spokesman for measure 114 says, “Sales will not halt because permits cannot be required, until Oregon State Police develops the rules, and finalizes the standardized form to apply.”
As far as the high capacity magazines already owned by Oregonians, you don't have to do anything. As long as you are on private property, a shooting range, or hunting it won't be illegal to own them, although sales of high capacity magazines are expected to stop after January 15th.
Uncertain Future
Image courtesy of Envato Images
The future of measure 114 remains very uncertain. Facing so much backlash, and legal hurdles, what was initially voted on and passed, will likely look very different once this is all said and done, and the timeline for this could drag on for months, or years.