Why exactly? We don't know. What we do know is that The Simpsons' Springfield is (of course) Springfield, Oregon, and that the metal band Okilly Dokilly is EVERYTHING Ned Flanders.
Okilly Dokilly performing live in Pittsburgh on their American Cheese tour. Image via / Okilly Dokilly / Facebook / @digitalmans_domain
A few weeks ago, the closing credits of the 659th episode of The Simpsons were suddenly interrupted, fading to a black screen, then reopening up to Okilly Dokilly performing the music video for their song “White Wine Spritzer” off their 2016 debut album, Howdilly Doodilly.
The band started as a joke between four friends in 2015 when two of the original members (Head Ned and Bled Ned, respectively) were trying to imagine the most ill-fitting name for a death metal band ever. The joke continued to grow with suggestions of band names, and what if everyone onstage dressed as Ned Flanders and all the lyrics were his quotes? A self-proclaimed “Nedal band”, Okilly Dokilly was born.
Image via http://www.okillydokilly.com
You may remember them from such album titles as, "Howdilly Twodilly", and such songs as "Nothing at All", "Godspeed, Little Doodle", "Claw my Eyes Out", and "Reneducation".
On being noticed by The Simpsons writers, Head Ned told Rolling Stone: “I’m very much in disbelief. It’s like this is just a strange alternate universe and I’m gonna wake up the next day and it’s just like, ‘No, you didn’t start the Ned Flanders band, you still work in accounting."
Zed Ned wielding Homer's favorite pink-sprinkled snack. Image via / Okilly Dokilly / Facebook
From their website bio: "Okilly Dokilly's live shows are high energy affairs that weave together comedy and brutality. Guttural screams and pounding drums provide a soundtrack for the pummeling of an inflatable donut as green sweaters and round glasses blur across the stage."
Now if they would just make a stop in Oregon to be photographed with my favorite neighborino-hood Springfield mural.....(hint hint).
The iconic Springfield, Oregon Simpsons mural. Image via / eugenecascadescoast.org