There are strange things to be found when the tide pulls in, exposing the ocean's secrets. Pools of water collect in pockets of sand and rock. There you'll catch glimpses of an alien landscape, filled with all sorts of exotic, colorful creatures, some captivating,...
If you have been thinking about heading to the Oregon Zoo, there's a new resident that may encourage you to visit soon. The newly welcomed 3000 black rhinoceros is 8 years old, and arrived in Oregon Sept 10. Known as King, the impressive rhino is fitting in greatly at...
You never expect to see a vicious wild animal while in the woods, until you do. Could you imagine how fast your heart would be racing? A video recently going viral captures a cougar for nearly six minutes on video, on a trail in Utah. “I thought I was done for,” Kyle...
In 1843, our Oregon pioneer forefathers gathered in a series of meetings that would unite them to a common purpose while ultimately causing the extinction of the indigenous Gray Wolf from our state lands. Wolves were as troublesome to early settlers and their...
The efforts of the Oregon Department Of Fish And Wildlife (ODFW) to conserve the Oregon wolf population are finally paying off. The ODFW has been trying to conserve wolves in Oregon since they were placed on the Federal Endangered Species list in 1974 and the Oregon...