If you're a cat lover and looking for a fun adventure with friends or family, you will surely love Great Cats World Park, nestled away in Southern Oregon. With more than 40 different cats, representing 17 different species from around the world, this unique park features some of the largest and rarest wild cats in the United States.
Great Cats World Park / Facebook
The park features educational tours with their trainers, to allow guests for an up-close view of these beautiful animals.
Great Cats World Park / Facebook
Great Cats World Park / Facebook
Great Cats World Park / Facebook
Great Cats World / Facebook
You can also opt to take a self-guided walk through the park if you'd like! For those who are handicapped, they also provide wheelchairs or walkers.
Great Cats World Park / Facebook
The tours run all day long, from 11am to 4pm. There is no need to schedule a time, although Great Cats World offers scheduled private tours for large groups of 12 or more. Plan on packing a lunch and spending about two hours to see the whole park. If you jump onto an existing tour, there is a short break at the end then a new tour will start up so you can jump on to catch what you may have missed.
Great Cats World / Facebook
According to their Facebook page, they supply approximately 60-70% of the world with pictures of their cats. Depending on when you go, you may even be lucky enough to hold an adorable baby cat.
The park is very reasonably priced, at $15 per person with children under 3 being free. If you want more information, give them a call at (541) 592-2957.
Find them at 27919 Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction, OR 97523.
Have you visited the Great Cats World Park? We'd love to hear about it in the comments!