The Oregon Health Authority is gearing up to launch a no-cost dental program for lower-income veterans. This month it opened the application process, and on Jan. 1 the program will launch. No one knows how many will sign up and qualify among Oregon’s 300,000 veterans...
The owner of a donut shop in Eugene, Oregon, known as Dizzy Dean Donuts has gone viral for all the wrong reasons. The video, giving viewers a first-person perspective of Dean Weaver has exploded on Reddit, as Deaver approaches what appears to be a homeless woman...
In bizarre and unsettling news today, hand grenades have washed up on the shore of a beach in Newport, Oregon. The Newport Police Department in a news release on Wednesday announced officers were dispatched Tuesday after receiving multiple reports of the grenades....
Sweet Home, Oregon - A 4.4 magnitude earthquake hit near Sweet Home, Oregon, just before 6 am Friday morning, according to the U.S. The earthquake was officially recorded at 5:52am. Geological Survey. Over the past 24 hours, Sweet Home had 3 small quakes between...
Update: BREAKING NEWS-Just released from the Harney County Sheriff's Office, suspect that was involved in yesterday's high speed vehicle chase which started in Salt Lake City, Utah has been caught. We will update when more information becomes available. (via Elkhorn...